Tuesday, January 26, 2010

King of Alwar

Maharao Raja Viney Singh died in 1857 and was succeeded by his son Sheodan Singh (1857-1874). He was then a boy of twelve. He at once fell under the influence of the Mohammedan Dewans of Delhi. Their proceedings excited an insurrection of the Rajputs in 1858, in which several of the Dewan's followers were killed and the ministers themselves were expelled from the State. Captain Nixon, the Political agent of Bharatpur, was at once despatched to Alwar who formed a Council of Regency. A Panchayat was formed with three members to administer the State but it could not succeed. Captain Impey came to Alwar as the next Political Agent in November, 1858. His tenure of that office continued till the end of 1863, during which he succeeded in re-organising every branch of the administartion. The system of fixed cash assessment was introduced. The annual revenue of the State was fixed at Rs. 14,29,425 and work was started on a three years settlement for the State. After the completion of this settlement, Major Impey started work on the ten year settlement in the State and the annual revenue was fixed at Rs. 17,19,875

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